Robert 21st January 2021

On the 29th of December, I unexpectedly lost my friend Daryl. As a neighbour and friend my loss is nothing compared with the pain Jacci, Rhys, Ava, and all his family are feeling. All I can say is I will miss him, for as you go through life you meet many people but the reality is there are very few perhaps a mere handful that you are pleased to have met and spend time with. Daryl was one of those few people and I consider myself both honoured and fortunate to call him a friend. Daryl's three greatest attributes as a friend were his willingness to help, his sense of fun, and most of all his kindness. If you had a problem, he was always prepared to help. Helpfulness, friendliness, and decency were core components of his DNA. These are qualities that few possess, Daryl possessed them in abundance. As you read these lines, I would ask you to take a few seconds to remember a time when Daryl did something for you or made you smile and just take the time to celebrate his life. But most of all I just want to say thanks Daryl for being my mate. My thoughts will be with you all next week. Love to you all. Robert